Protobi can call Google Translate so you can start reading and even recoding those text verbatims in multiple languages to analyze now. And save the translations to your project. ## Translate with Protobi Select an element and choose "Translate..." from the Advanced button. Then choose a destination language: ## Browser independent Translation in Protobi uses Google Translate API, and works in most major browsers not just Chrome. It can translate to many more languages than shown in this tiny example. ## Translate values, titles or formats Select from the Translate Dialog whether to translate the data values, the formats or the titles. Typically you'll want to translate the data values. ## Translated values are saved as formats Translations are stored in your project as simple value formats. So they stay with your project when you save and reopen. So you can toggle the translations on/off with the Format button. Protobi is still working with the raw local-language values underneath, it's just like you now have superpowers and can read all these languages. ## Edit translations You can edit translations since they're simple formats. Here Google Translate recognizes "Ελλάδα" as the country and translates it to "Griechenland" in German and "Hellas" in English. But you can select Edit Format... and change that to "Greece": ## Recode translated values You can even recode the raw values and toggle the translations on or off: ## Export translations to SPSS Translations also export to SPSS .sav files, so you can work them in any other leading market research software like SPSS or MarketSight. Since translations are stored as value formats and variables labels, they export as such to SPSS. ## Translation is safe Your original data is not modified so you can modify, delete and redo translation whenever you wish. Only the raw values for the specific selected element are uploaded to Google, without any other data like respondent ID, etc and sent encrypted under SSL. ## Professional translation still an option Using Translation in Protobi does not preclude you from more formal approaches to translation. You can still send your survey responses to a professional translation firm and merge the results into Protobi when they come back. But that takes days, and maybe you want to peek at the data earlier...