You've asked each respondents to answer multiple questions. Now you want to know if respondents' answers to _this_ question are significantly different than their answers to _other_ questions. Protobi's new PairedTable allows you to compare different questions across the same respondents (rather than compare the individual questions for different subsets of respondents). This uses pairwise comparisons for stronger statistical tests. In the example above, respondents were significantly more likely to say that young adults and older adults are "Very different" in moral values (q15a) and the way they use the Internet (q15b) than to attitudes about race (q15c) or importance of family (q15d). ## Statistics PairedTable uses a [paired difference t-test]( to compare means and [McNemar's test]( (with small sample corrections) to compare percentages. Cells show counts/frequencies for all respondents. But each statistical test to compare whether differences between two questions are significant considers only respondents who answered both questions. ## Limitations PairedTable is applicable to a group of questions with a common `format` attribute. ## Create a PairedTable

To create a PairedTable, press the blue square edit icon and select "More properties...." Then under "Chart type" select "Paired Table": Alternatively, press the blue square edit icon and select "Edit JSON..." and in the JSON, specify a `chartType` attribute:

        "chartType": "PairedTable"
## Transpose a PairedTable The default is to show each variable as a column and each response value as a row. This makes it look more like a traditional crosstab. However, if you have many variables and fewer response options you can transpose the table:
        "chartType": "VerticalPairedTable"
This will yield a transposed table with one row per question and one column per response option. Here the statistical comparisons are between rows rather than between columns: