A TopBoxTornado plot is a concise way to present top-box scores rate multiple items on Likert-type scales. Market research surveys often ask respondents to rate multiple items e.g. "How much do you agree with the following statements?". The response scale may be 5-, 7-, 10- or 11-point scales. An effective way to present the results is to look at top-box scores, showing percentages for the top one, two or three scale items, e.g. "Somewhat agree or Strongly agree". Sometimes though the client also wants to know the bottom-box score too. The tornado plot is a visually interesting way to show both top- and bottom-box. The middle scale points (and any missing/NA values) are hidden in the middle. ## Export to PowerPoint These also export to PowerPoint as native Office chart objects: ## Create a TopBoxTornado

To create a TopBoxTornado chart in Protobi, press the blue square edit icon for a group of rating questions and select Edit... .Then in the JSON, specify a `chartType` attribute:

        "chartType": "TopBoxTornado"
The default is to show the bottom-two box scores on the left and the top-two box scores on the right, using the `format` attribute to identify the boxes and sorting them to identify top vs bottom. You can override the defaults by specifying a `chartOptions` attribute as well:
        "chartType": "TopBoxTornado",
        "chartOptions": {
           "left": [1,2],
           "right": [4,5],
           "leftTitle": "Very strong or strong conflicts",
           "rightTitle": "Not very strong or no conflicts",
          "leftColor": "purple",
          "rightColor": "gold"
The `left` and `right` options specify one or more values to include. You can list one, two or more. If you don't list any Protobi assumes the first value from the `format` attribute. If no title is specified, the titles are inferred from the formatted values. The colors can be any CSS color, e.g. `"#39C"` or `"blue"`