Let's say your study asked respondents to provide text answers to an open ended question: The answers might be too long to read in one line and too many to show in one bar chart. WordClouds can be a simple and whimsical way to quickly convey the gist of the answers. ## Create a WordCloud To turn this into a word cloud press the circle edit icon to bring up the context menu and select "More properties...". Under "Chart type" select "Word cloud". This will create a simple cloud showing all verbatim answers: By default. this shows the frequency of each answer, with font size equal to the percentage frequency. The fonts are small because each answer is unique and represents is a tiny percentage of the sample. Typically though this is not so interesting as each response is unique. ## Split phrases into words To show frequencies of individual words rather than complete responses, select "Edit properties..." again and under "Split" type either * " " (i.e. just a space, without the quotes) or * "word" (i.e. just the word 'word' without the quotes) The first will split the sentences at each space. The second will be a little smarter and split at certain punctuation as well. This will now split strings at each space into shorter strings, and thus show frequencies of each word: ## Customize the chart Initially the font size mau still be too small. This is because Protobi calculates the font size by multipling the the percentage frequency by the value of `maxFontSize` under `chartOptions. To adjust this, we can edit the detailed options. Select "Edit JSON..." from the context menu. Under `chartOptions` are the available options. E.g. set `scaleFontToMaxValue: "true"` and the fonts will be scaled such that the largest item is equal to `maxFontSize`. ## Available options WordClouds are powered by the awesome engine by [Timothy Chien](https://twitter.com/timdream?lang=en). The `chartOptions` block is passed straight to the rendering engine, allowing you to set these options: * `minFontSize`: `5` minimum font size to draw on the canvas. * `maxFontSize`: `60` maximum font size, in pixels or points . * `scaleToMaxFontSize`: `true` whether to scale * `limit` : `60` maximum number of values to draw * `fontFamily`: font to use. * `fontWeight`: `"normal"` font weight to use, e.g. `normal`, `bold` or `600` * `color`: color of the text, can be any CSS color * `weightFactor`: number to multiply `size` of each word * `backgroundColor`: color of the background. * `drawOutOfBound`: `true` allows words bigger than the size of the canvas to be drawn. * `shape`: `"ellipse"` The shape of the "cloud" to draw, - `"circle"` (default), - `"cardioid"`, - `"diamond"`, - `"square"`, - `"triangle"`,and - `"star"`. * `ellipticity`: [ degree of "flatness" of the word cloud shape. * `shuffle`: `true` (default) randomizes points * `rotateRatio`: Probability for word to rotate. 1=always, 0=never.