Protobi's autogroup helps you get a head start when setting up your project. The autogroup algorithm organizes similar questions together based on column names, and appropriately formats question types (i.e. checkbox grid, rating question, numeric open-ends, etc.). In this guide, we'll walk you through how to use autogroup.

Why autogroup?

Saves time

Autogroup helps users save time when they are setting up a Protobi project.

Intelligently reads SPSS metadata

SPSS data files contain not only the response data, but also metadata for question text and formatted response values. Protobi reads this data and suggests a structure to organize the questions.

When to autogroup?

We recommend you use autogroup at the start of each project, before applying any manual edits, because autogroup will cover most of the initial question setup.

How to autogroup

1. Select the group to autogroup

In new projects, all the survey questions are put into a catch-all tab called "Fields", which is the group you will select to autogroup. However, you can also use autogroup in an existing project (i.e trackers), in which case you might select a different group to autogroup.

Select "Fields" by pressing on it, either in the element tree or in the center panel. You will know it's selected when the header turns blue like in the image below.

2. Select "Autogroup" from the Advanced menu

After you select fields, go to the Advanced menu options in the toolbar and select "Autogroup".

3. Choose "Autogroup" options

After you press "Autogroup", you will see the dialog has options you can select/de-select. The defaults are tuned to handle most projects, but you can cusotmize the selections to fit your project. Below are descriptions of what each option does.

Remove keys from titles

This option will remove the question number from the titles during autogroup. Some SPSS files have the question number in the titles (i.e. S1: What is your speciality), this is commonly seen in Decipher SPSS files.

Extract common title text

A group or "battery" of similar questions will have the same parent level text. Select this option if you want to extract common title text everywhere applicable during autgroup. Otherwise "Extract common title text" is also an Advanced menu option that you can apply to questions individually.

Before extract common title text:


Roundup “black sheep” subgroups

A "black sheep" subgroup is a group within a group where all of its siblings otherwise have the same scale and dimension. If you choose to roundup subgroups, then Protobi will move the subgroup (i.e. Q21a) out of the group (i.e. Q21) and up one level.

Move single-letter groups to top level

This option will move groups like "S" and "Q" to top-level tabs. If you de-select this option, then groups like "S" and "Q" will remain in the Fields tab, and you can manually move them out.

Move rating values to start of label

This option will move numeric sclae values that are at the end of formatted labels to the front of the formatted labels.

Use suffix if key exists

Take a survey that has questions S1, S1_1, S1_2, S1_3. Since S1 already exsits in the data, a different parent key should be used to group S1_1, S1_2, S1_3 together. Specify a suffix to add when the key already exists, so instead of using S1, Protobi will use S1# to group S1_1, S1_2, S1_3 together.

Tabbed if collection over {X}

This option lets you set a rule that groups with X number of sub-elements should be tabbed collections. "10" is the default, if a group has 10 or more sub-elements it will be turned into a tabbed collection. If 9 or less, then it will show in its standard view which is one tall page where you can continue scrolling to see all sub-elements.

Grid text delimiter (Decipher)

Define the delimiter when extracting the parent-level question text from questions in a Decipher SPSS file.

Decipher's question text pattern is often in the following structure: Key: Option level text - Parent level text. The delimiter between option level text and parent level text is the first instance of a dash.

Note: If you select this option, make sure "Grid text regex (Confirmit)" is not selected. Otherwise, Protobi will seperate the text at the delimiters specified in both options. If your SPSS file is neither Decipher nor Confirmit, you can select the "Grid text regex (Decipher)" option and just change the delimiter to whatever delimiter is used to seperate option level text and parent level text in your file.

Grid text regex (Confirmit)

Define the delimiter when extracting the parent-level question text from questions in a Confirmit SPSS file.

Confirmit's question text pattern is often in the following structure: Option level text (Parent level text). The delimiter between option level text and parent level text is the first instance of an opening parentheses.

Note: If you select this option, make sure "Grid text regex (Decipher)" is not selected. Otherwise, Protobi will seperate the text at the delimiters specified in both options. If your SPSS file is neither Decipher nor Confirmit, you can select the "Grid text regex (Decipher)" option and just change the delimiter to whatever delimiter is used to seperate option level text and parent level text in your file.

Regex for 'other/specify'

This option lets you enter regex to identify other specify open-ends. The default is to look for element where "other", "oe" or "Other" are in the name. If your data has a different convention like "TEXT" in the column name, then you would edit this field to reflect the convention in your data file.

Group other/specify into {OE}

You also have the option to group all other specify open-ends into a group with a name of your choice. The default name is "OE". Do not select this option if you do not want to move all the other specify open-ends into one group, and would prefer they be in chronological order of the survey (i.e. S1_other would come right after S1) .

Regex to tokenize keys

This option lets you specify the regex to tokenize keys. Feel free to reach out to if you have any questions on how to use this option in your specific project.

The default regex is (^hid|^MODE|[a-z]+|[A-Z]+|[0-9]+|[.]|[^a-zA-Z0-9.]+) The default defines a "token" as:

One possible case is to define "^h" as a token. In that case, all "hid" elements would get grouped under group h and since that's a single-letter group name it gets pulled to the top level.

4. Apply "Autogroup"

Once you choose all the options you want, press “Ok” to start the autogroup. Protobi will automatically organize and format the questions based on your selections.

Once autogroup is complete, you will see a "Autogroup complete" notification in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Autogrouped results

After applying autogroup, Protobi will update the project to reflect your grouped data.

Edit and refine groupings

You don’t have to stick with the default groupings and formatting forever. Protobi allows you to edit and refine your groupings at any time.

Please see:

  • Group questions together into sections that reflect the survey
  • Move, mirror, and clone elements
  • Edit display keys and titles to clearly label each element
  • Extract common text from titles 
  • Bin values into numeric ranges
  • Compact questions into concise views 
  • Condense text open-ends
  •  Code open-ends for analysis 
    1. Simple open-end recoding
    2. Advanced open-end recoding
  • Edit chart colors
  • Hide or delete elements
  • Change sections to a tab view
  • Advanced support

    Our support team is ready to help you with your specific goals. Please contact us at if you have any questions.